Why can't you write a good essay?

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by Will Martins / Updated October 12, 2023

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Being a student means dealing with stress each and every day. You're not only having constant assignments and tests, you regularly face some misunderstanding and judgment from both professors and your group mates, not to mention the pressure from the parents and relatives. Still, I’m not gonna lie; life after university will be even harder, so get prepared.

Let’s be honest, there are a few people who get excited about writing essays, as this type of college assignment may be quite tricky, especially when you have no clue what to write about and how to do it correctly. That's why there are high chances of failing if you are overly assertive that you'll manage to do a voluminous task in about an hour. So, take your time, postpone your activities, and prepare to hit the books!

I’ll tell you why it can be hard for you to craft a good essay. So, let’s delve deeper into the details.

Too much academic pressure

In colleges, students face an enormous workload. Each and every day, they have to hand in voluminous assignments having little time to tackle an academic task. A vast majority of undergraduates complain due to having no ample time for writing standout papers, and this is one of the main reasons their essays are far from being perfect. How can you craft a winning assignment being pressed for time?

You've chosen the wrong field and don't feel that it is your cup of tea

I can assure you, there is nothing worse than understanding that you've spent several years of your life learning something you're not passionate about. If the class you're studying isn’t interesting and you don't find it amusing, most likely you've chosen wrong. It may be hard to admit but even harder to accept. When you're genuinely interested, it is such a joy to complete assignments, and all the studying routine doesn't seem boring at all. Always keep in mind that it's never too late to follow your dream even if you are scared to tell your parents about your life choice. It is better doing it at this stage than regretting the consequences afterward.

You are trying to get an A instead of making a good essay

Trying to receive the highest grade and aiming to hear a paean of praise from your professor may be the reasons why you’re not completely focused on completing an excellent paper. Thinking about an A may be a real pitfall on the way to the impressive essay that will easily grab the readers’ attention. So, try to concentrate on the task instead of thinking about an A. This may be the reason why you can’t complete a good essay, being distracted from the key aim.


You are afraid of competition

I can honestly say that I'm a master of giving up and comparing myself to others. You most likely came across some individuals who are richer, smarter, better, more knowledgeable, and successful. We all know such people and hate them, which is completely wrong. So stop being afraid you'll definitely get the lowest grade in a class. What if you complete a winning essay this time and get an A from an instructor known for being a tough grader?

You are lazy and don't have sufficient knowledge in the selected area

Those who spent a couple of years sitting behind a desk doing nothing, raise your hand! Yes, I am talking to you. Time is the most precious thing a person has, so use it wisely. If you don't make an effort to learn all the things you came for, why even being here? Don't get me wrong, you should try to get back on track in college, providing well-written essays. If you truly decided to follow some career path, do yourself a favor and work bloody hard in college.

Scrolling through social media

Yeap, this is one more reason keeping you from making a first-class essay. Scrolling through Instagram or Facebook grabs much of your precious time, and this is why thousands of students procrastinate instead of being focused on the assigned essay, term paper, or another writing task. Try to get rid of distractions to jumpstart the writing process. Go the extra mile to focus on the task! That much is clear that it is the key to success in college.

Now, you know why it can be extremely difficult to get to writing your assignments. In case you feel a bit lost, please, use my personal recommendations, and you'll sail through the course without a need to pull an all-nighter every time you are assigned a tricky essay. So, before diving straight into the writing process, I’d recommend you to get prepared.


First, try to paraphrase the main question/ idea of the assigned essay to realize whether you completely understand the topic. If you have no clue what it should be about, you need to contact your professor or group mates to clarify all the nuances. Don't try to write about something you hardly understand, as it will be obvious from the very beginning that such an approach will result in failure. An optimal solution will be to go to the library bringing your best friend and search for some relevant information and credible evidence needed to support your viewpoint. Remember, practice makes perfect!

If you are lucky enough to understand your subject, ask yourself a couple of questions. Are you going to be positive, negative, or neutral in regards to the subject of the paper? Do you have any arguments to prove your point of view? If you are about crafting your paper, you are already halfway to success, congratulations!

However, the preparation stage is not over yet. You need to ask yourself one more significant question. Do you have a list of required literature, or you need to make it yourself? Make sure you’re aware of how to make references because they are your good friends when supporting your opinion. Besides, don't underestimate in-text citations, they show you did a great job.

Without a doubt, your text should include three main parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Any college assignment has a specific structure you need to adhere to if you want to get the highest grade. So, before getting to work, delve deeper into the details of the assigned task.

There is no denying that making an outline will be of great help. A detailed plan will be like a skeleton of your assignment and will help you not to lose the train of thought when completing a paper.

A lot of my friends have a fear of the blank slate; actually, I used to have it too. But don't you worry; the main thing is just to start writing at least something according to your created plan. It shouldn't necessarily be some complete sentences, feel free to jot down some ideas and get back to them later. Create the core of your paper, add the details afterward. There's no need to rush.

After you've finished with the main ideas and thoughts, forget about your paper for a couple of hours. It'll help you 'fight' this challenge with a clear mind and brings solace. I guarantee some fresh ideas will pop up in your head, so you’ll craft a superior-quality paper in the blink of an eye.

Having completed the writing part, it's high time for you to become an editor! Re-read your assignment, check whether all the key points were mentioned, correct the formatting if needed, don't forget to use the spell checker. Moreover you need to evaluate your text, and make sure it is logical enough and meets the initial requirements of your instructor. If you replied positively to all these questions, my congrats, you're done! Nice job! It wasn't rocket science, right? Now you know how to craft superior-quality essays in the blink of an eye.

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